Gualtieri/Guatieri Family
Finding what makes us, us.
Gualtieri Family News 2009
The following is information about some of our 2009 activities:
12/30/09 I got an email from Linda Balen Olsen stating that her mother Rose Gualtieri Balen is adjusting well to being in the nursing home without Johnny. She said they also had her over Thanksgiving day and they had a good time. Vivian and I went to our son Danial’s house for Xmas. Louie Gualtieri spent the holidays with his dauther Teresa, her husband Mike and granddaughter Diana and her kids.
12/04/09 #1: Mario Gualtieri got a call from the Hospital and they said that all of the test that they made showed that he is getting better (12 X-Rays, that took, 3 hours ). #2: Tony Gualtieri got results back after his prostate infection that there does not appear to be any cancer.
November 20, 2009 #1: Matt Elliot is on a civilian security assignment in Iraq. Here he is with his security vehicle. Matt is Mario Gualtieri ’s son-in-law. I am sure that Matt being away is keep Nina Gualtieri Elliot very busy running their detective agency.
11/20/09 #1: Daniel Micheal Korzellus will marry Sabrina Ann Barrow on December 5, 2009. Daniel is Louis Gualtieri ’s grandson and Tammy Gualtieri Korzellus ’s son.
#2: Vivian Gualtieri is doing better but it will still be another 6 weeks before she can ware normal shoes - we will not be doing much Square Dancing the rest of this year. #3: Danial Gualtieri, my son and his wife Shelley vacationed in New York last week and got to visit Ellis Island.
11/06/09 Vivian Gualtieri had toe surgery yesterday. The surgery was successful but she had a minor reaction to the anesthesia. She is doing much better today. She will be able to start walking in about 2-3 weeks.
October 22, 2009 #1: Ilaria Stevanella started her first year in elementary school in Italy.
10/11/09 Sam/Sol Gualtieri’s tumor on/in his bladder is cancerous. They may have to do more surgery. As of today, Teresa Gualtieri Guthrie is back home. Thank you Teresa.
10/04/09 Sam/Sol Gualtieri (Antonio’s oldest son) is home from his bladder surgery. They found a walnut size tumor on/in his bladder. They do not think they have it all and may have to do surgery again. They think it may be cancerous. Teresa Gualtieri Guthrie (Louie’s daughter) is there to help out, especially with Jo Gualtieri, sol’s wife.
09/14/09 "Uncle Butchie, Mom (Rose Gualtieri Balen) spent 12 days in a senior hospital for memory care. They are trying to get the right dose of medication she takes for alzheimers. She is back at Diamond Willow Nursing Home now, but I think the alzheimers has progressed." Linda Olson
09/04/09 #1: Mary (Gualtieri) and Ed Jamrozik went to Florida for their daughter Cathy’s 25 the anniversary. Other than the fact that it was hot and muggy and they had a little problem with their luggage that a great time. #2: Mario Gualtieri had an upper GI done this week. He has two small ulcers. They gave him some medication to take for 6 weeks; then he has to go back to the doctor.
08/28/09: Tony Gualtieri received a copy today of his first leather craft article published in the September/October issue of (Volume 19 Number 5) of ’The Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal’ Magazine titled ’How To Make A Custom Cell Phone Holder.’ It should be on the newsstands shortly; see page 60.
August 22, 2009 - This picture shows Nina, Matt, Brandon, Brandon's girlfriend, Gina and Ron in a dragon boat race to raise money for Children’s Hospital Charity in Wisconsin. Gina, Matt and Ron are paddling, Nina is the drummer. They took 4th Place out of seven, they would have had second but their Flag Catcher fell out of the boat as she was grabbing one of the flags so that cost them some points.
08/22/09: Tony is recovering well after his hernia surgery. However, Vivian hurt her ankle. Vivian's ankle is a little better now, she has to wear a large, and I mean large, boot to keek her leg from moving. We now have the criple taking care of the criple.
07/31/09: Tony was in the hospital Thursday for an inguinal hernia operation. He is doing well just in a little pain. The doctor told him to take it easy for 10-14 days and not lifting or exercising for 3-4 weeks at least.
07/25/09 #1:Gina Gualtieri Heuer (Mario’s daughter) and her husband went to visit her brother Mario and sister-in-law Edith in July. See Mario’s sub-album for some pictures. #2: Louie is visiting his daughter’s Tammy and Lois in Washington State. From there, his daughter Tammy will drive him to Las Vegas where they are going to rent a house for a week and have a small family reunion. Louie is then going to stay 3 days at the Palace Station Hotel (using a free birthday offer). After that, Louie is flying to Georgia when he will live with his daughter Teresa Gualtieri Guthrie, her husband Mike and granddaughter Diana and her kids. He also plans to travel two or three times a year to visit his kids and other relatives.
July 12, 2009 - Oliver Lyons had is first Holy Communion in June, 2009. The picture is of Daniela Guatieri Lyons, Uncle Damiano's daughter and her son, Oliver.
07/04/09: Amanda Gualtieri, Louie’s granddaughter and his son Don's daughter, had a baby girl on June 5th, 2009, Brooklyn Grace Giovanna Alandt. See Photo Page.
05/31/09 #1: Mario was in the hospital for 2 days. He was cutting grass and then working on his stalled tractor when it he became over exhausted and dehydrated. He is home now and doing fine. #2: Kelly Korzelius, Louie's granddaughter and Tammy's daughter, will graduate from High School on 6/9/2009.
. #3: Sal Gualtieri, Eddie's grandson, is a new first time father. Salvatore (Sammy) Christian Gualtieri was born February 23, 2009. He and his mother are doing very good.
05/16/09: Louie is finally home and doing well after his knee replacement.
05/15/09: John Balen passed away last night. Visitation is Wed the 20th from 4-6 at Rowe's Funeral Home in Grand Rapids. The funeral is Thursday the 21st at 10:30 at St Joseph's Catholic Church in Grand Rapids. Please keep Rosie & Johnny in your prayers.
05/10/09: Good news and very bad news today. First the bad news, I just found out that John Balen, Rose Balen’s husband & Tony Gualtieri’s son-in-law fell and hit his head. He is 85 and in the hospital, but they are fairly certain that he will not make it. The good news, #1: It looks like Louie will be going home either Thursday or Friday after knee replacement. The infection he got during the operation is finally cleared up and he can walk by himself. #2: Danial Gualtieri, my son, made Vivian and I a wonderful multi-coursed breakfast for Mother’s Day. When he gives me the recipe for the egg dish he made I will post it.
04/11/09: I just found out that Michael Guthrie, Louie's son-in-law, will retire from the US Air Force in Aviano, Italy on 4/17/2009. We are all proud of him and his service and wish Mike & Teresa the best of luck in their new adventure.
03/30/09: I just found out that Rose Gualtieri Balen and John Balen have moved into an assisted living facility. Johnny was confined to a wheel chair and Rosie was having trouble driving.
03/21/09: I received word that Louie Gualtieri survived his knees replaced surgery and all appears to have gone just fine. They had him up and walking a few steps in a walker.
03/15/09: I just received word that Louie Gualtieri will be going into the hospital on March 18th to have one of his knees replaced. If all goes well and some time passes, he will have the other one replaced also.
02/28/09 - #1: Tony & Vivian went on a Square Dance weekend last week and had a very good time. From 8PM Fridays to noon Sunday they completed 5 1/2 - 2 hour dances. 5 at the Advanced level and one-half at the Challenge level. #2: We have made new e-friends Salvatore and Ann Gualtieri from Naples. Most of his family is from Davoli, Marina (Catanzaro) Calabrea, Italy.
01/23/09 - #1: Alexis's art drawing of a wolf was selected to represent her school at the regional Radio Art Fair. She was awarded a Second Place Ribbon. #2: I was told that Elisabetta's services were very nice, that it was in Italian. #3: Believe it or not since we had a couple light freezes. So I decided I had better pick my lemons: 18 of them. As a result I started my first batch of Lemomcello since moving to Texas. However, it did not turn out to good because I planted Meyers Lemons. The Meyers Lemons were recommended for this area and have a wonderful flavor and lots of seeds but the rind is paper thin. In case you don't know, Lemomcello is made from the rind and not the juice. I won't do that again.
01/01/09 - #1: Danial, Shelley, Autum & Austin and Destina & Alexis spent Christmas with Tony & Vivian. #2: Mario spent Christmas at this daughter Leysa & Denis's. #3: Louie and his daughter Clorinda spent Christmas with Sol/Sammy & Jo. #4: Armando spent Christmas at this Daniela (his sister) & Danny's house and had fun playing with Alexander and Oliver. #5: Irene & Oliviero spent Christmas with their son Rolando & Simona and granddaughters Sara & Ilaria, however, just before the party their shower stopped draining.