Gualtieri/Guatieri Family
Finding what makes us, us.
Gualtieri Family News 2013
The following is information about some of our 2013 activities:
11/17/2013 #1: Kennith Merrill, Vivian and my brother-in-law died this morning of cancer in the hospital. He would have been 77 year old next month.
#2: Mary Gualtieri Jamrozik, Uncle Joe’s daughter had another chemo today and is handling it ok.
#3: Louie Gualtieri was not doing well but he was feel better today. He had to move from where he was staying and is living with Sol Gualtieri for now. He will have heart surgery the first half of December and then he will decide where he will go. His daughter Teresa is there with him and Sol helping each of them.
#4: Sol/Sammy Gualtieri is doing OK now. He felt last week taking the garbage out and crawled into the garage. Luckily Teresa came over and found him in the garage several hours after he feel.
10/18/2013 #1: Mary Gualtieri Jamrozik, Uncle Joe’s daughter is doing a little better after taking some medication, she had her first chemo shot yesterday. We will know more in a couple of weeks.
#2: Louie Gualtieri is doing a little better but still has to be careful not to fall. His doctor just told him that he will need heart surgery. We will know more in a couple of weeks.
#3: Sol/Sammy Gualtieri is doing better at home with his motorized wheel chair. However, his strong pain is still there but a little better, he can now walk around the house on his own now.
October 16, 2013: In memory of Mario Gualtieri I captured a set of pictures, some from other people, and documents and placed them in a "Drop Box" Click this link: " In memory of Mario Gualtieri " and you will be taken to the "Drop Box" Once there, it may be helpful to first scroll down to the bottom of the folder you are taken to and read the document all the way at the bottom. Then read the second one up from there and so on. The first item in that folder is a PC only video (no sound) that was found by Kenny Blackman, Mario’s grandson, and converted to digital. You can view them there or download the entire thing and put it on CD (or just the items you want) or email me and I will create a CD and mail it to you.
September 03, 2013: Mario Gualtieri’s granddaughter Elysia Mahoney (Leysa Logan’s daughter) had a baby boy on August 16, 2013 at 1:25 pm.
Griffin Michael Mahoney was 7 lbs. 10 ozs. and 21 and 1/2 inches long. Mario died the next day and never got to see Griffin.
Griffin and his sister Logan Mahoney"
08/31/2013 #1: Mary qualifies for an oral drug treatment called Xalkori. The drug manufacturer called Mary and they will fund the new drug treatment for one year! Mary should receive the medication within the next week. Now our prayers will be that this treatment works well for her with very little side effects.
#2: Thanks to my son, Danial, who wanted to go with me, I was able to attend Mario’s funeral. It was very sad but very nice to see relative I had not seen or not seen in a long time. While at the wake I got a call that my brother Louie was taken to the hospital for a blood clot in his leg. He is in the therapy facility right now doing better and may be released next week.
08/18/2013 #1: Mario Gualtieri, my brother, died yesterday August 17, 2013 in Dallas City in bed of a heart attack.
#2: From a PET scan and scope the doctors are sure Mary Jamrozik, Uncle Joe’s daughter, has Adenocarcinoma Stage IV. During the scope the pulmonary specialist was able to get a biopsy of the mass, or tissue, causing this blockage. The biopsy confirmed that it was cancer. The PET scan showed that the cancer is in her right lung, near and around the mass, slightly into the left lung, in the lymph nodes within her chest cavity, in her bones (mainly on the right side of her body including her right clavicle and right side of the pelvis and hip) and possibly some in the vocal chords. This is what makes the cancer a Stage IV. The MRI of the brain came back great. There is no signs of the cancer in the brain.
07/31/2013: Mary Jamrozik, Uncle Joe’s daughter, has an appointment scheduled with the Oncologist for August 8th. At this appointment we are hoping the doctor will have enough details of her condition and will give her treatment options. The doctor has also ordered her to remain active and continue with her normal plans and activities. This will keep her strong for the treatments to come.
07/25/2013: Louis Gualtieri, my brother, is out of the hospital. He is doing better but still having some problems but he is home.
07/18/2013 #1: Louie Gualtieri is in the hospital. He went out to get with his daughter Clorinda and when got up to leave he lost his balance and fell. They got him up and he fell again so they had an ambulance take him to the hospital. I am still waiting to hear the results of the test for hints as to why he cannot keep balance.
#2: Mary Gualtieri Jamrozik, Uncle Joe’s daughter has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. We will know more about the type late next week. She will be 80 in August.
#3: Sol/Sammy Gualtieri is doing OK at home with his motorized wheel chair. However, his strong pain is still there and now his legs are swelling.
07/04/2013 #1: Michelle Guthrie (Louie Gualtieri’s granddaughter and Teresa Gualtieri Guthrie’s daughter) and Kenji Chapa’s wedding on June 29 went well at a large ranch on Colorado. They had a big rain with hail on Friday but it cleared up Saturday. Dancing went on past midnight. Hopefully we will have some pictures soon.
#2: Sol Gualtieri is doing better; he is home and using a motorized wheel chair to get around.
06/06/2013 - Michael Pierz is now Father Michael Pierz. Watch his Ordination YouTube Video: "Father Michael Pierz Ordination!"
For reference Father Michael Pierz is the tallest of the 5. He is Betsy Hutchinson Pierz’s brother-in-law [her husband Mark’s elder brother]. He served his first Mass the following day at St. Mary’s Church and baptized Betsy and Mark’s baby Jonathan at that mass as well. He’s also Jonathan Godfather, and Lacey, Joe Hutchinson’s eldest daughter, is his Godmother. About 2:10 minutes into the video you can even get a glimpse of Joe and his wife Nanette in pew. Joe is the bald guy and Nanette is in the Black and White geometric print dress. See entry for 5/20 below for more information.
06/05/2013: Sol / Sammy Gualtieri, my brother, is in the hospital. He went in last week for very severe arthritis in his arms, spin and legs. He could hardly move to do anything. He is getting special shoots and therapy. They may send him home or to a clinic on the 12th. He says he will get better because his goal is to become a centenarian and he only has 6 1/2 years to go.
05/20/2013 - a new Priest!: Betsy Hutchinson Pierz’s husband Mark Pierz’s brother Michael Pierz will be ordained as a priest in June in MA, his assigned Parish -- then back to Italy to study Cannon Law. Michael was in AZ on holiday leave and by coincidence Betsy's baby Jonathan Francis was born on feast of Epiphany January 6th. (Betsy is Joe Hutchinson’s daughter’s and Uncle Joe Gualtieri’s great granddaughter). Here is a picture of Michael at Pope’s Inaugural Mass at Vatican in Rome.
04/28/2013 #1: Ilaria Stevanella, Rolando Stevanella’s daughter and Uncle Damiano’s great granddaughter made her First Communion on April 7, 2013 and everything went very well.
Rolando, Ilaria, Sara and Simona
#2: In Riccione, Italy at the Italian Youth Championships, Sara Stevanella, Rolando’s daughter and Uncle Damiano’s great granddaughter finished in the top 10 Italian's ranking in the 100 meter backstrokes - 9th place - (see the link ). She also was 25th in 50 meter freestyle, 18th in 200 meter backstroke and 15th in 200 meter individual medley.
#3: Alexis Demko, Destina Demko’s daughter and my granddaughter, just received a Blue Ribbon Art Award from the Art Instruction Schools. She is half way thru the college class (she is officially a sophomore in high school) and has an A- average.
03/23/2013: Michelle Guthrie, (Louie Gualtieri’s granddaughter and Teresa Gualtieri Guthrie’s daughter,) and Kenji Chapa have announced their wedding for June 29, 2013.
02/21/2013: Aunt Maria Donato Guatieri, Uncle Damiano Guatieri’s wife died February 19, 2013 in Settimo Torinese, Italy. Her funeral was held February 20 at the Church of San Giuseppe Artigiano (St. Joseph the Worker) in Settimo Torinese, Italy.