Gualtieri/Guatieri Family
Finding what makes us, us.
Amelia Josephine Gualtieri was born February 22, 1919 in Rovito Cosenza Italy. Amelia Grisolia died August 6, 2011 at Loyola University Hospital in Maywood, Illinois.
She married Antonio Grisolia on mm dd, yyyy in city, state.
Tony was born on July 17, 1910 in city, state and died June 7, 1973 in Chicago. The funneral was June 11, 1973 at Our Lady of the Mount Church.
Children of Amelia Gualtieri and Antonio Grisolia are:
Carmine Grisolia, born April 03, 1945, in Rovito, Cosenza, Italy.
Carmella Grisolia, born June 07, 1954.
Renato Grisolia, born July 23, 1946; died August 03, 1970.
For more details about Amelia Gualtieri & Antonio Grisolia see:
Amelia & Antonio Grisolia's Photo Album (Updated 02/28/2009)
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