Gualtieri/Guatieri Family
Finding what makes us, us.
Ellis Island
100 years later...
Around July of 2021, while working on the redesign and ideas for this website going forward, I had a realization of what amazing milestone 2022 was holding for the Antonio Gualtieri line of the family.
I have known most of my life my great grandparents and grand uncle arrived in America after crossing the Atlantic to see the Statue of Liberty just before the 4th of July. One story my cousins and I relished in - was the immigrants were held just outside of Ellis Island because of the holiday - and "celebrated" with shipmates knowing they also were celebrating their new found life in America.
Upon realizing we were a mere year away from 100 years later, I recruited my kids to plan not only their first trip to NYC they have been asking for, but also the momentous family moment. See, my kids have grown up soaked in the stories of my youth, and my grandfathers storytelling. They have travel much of the country and visited museums and National Parks some only wish to see. While we have only traveled within the states, I wanted to ensure when we went to New York, they would be ready to soak it in and remember.
And what better opportunity, than the 100 year anniversary that gave them a chance to be born the humans they are and as Americans?
July 3, 2022
The entrance is stunning, and the Ellis Island building is gorgeous. All immigrants walked through the same front doors still in use today.
3rd and 4th Generation Americans
Wile my Grand Uncle Salvatore Gualtieri, or as we called him Uncle Sam was born in Italy and immigrated as a toddler, my grandfather Louis Gualtieri was born in Chicago, IL.
Finding our footsteps
My kids and I, and my mom wondered the entire building and grounds trying to set foot in as many places as possible that Antonio, Clorinda and Salvatore Gualtieri would have walked and passed through. As beautiful as the building was, my personal emotions ran high on these stairs. Here families were separated, and friends parted ways to reach their next destination.